The President is the official spokesperson for the association; presides over all meetings; casts the deciding vote in case of a tie; appoints committees and the respective chairs; assigns responsibilities; sets associational goals; recognizes accomplishments and contributions of members; plans for the Annual Meeting including selecting the venue, meal, festivities, door prizes, gifts, and procuring all awards; completes the schedule of training/classes/meetings if necessary; secures training/class/meeting venues; coordinates for room set up, food and drinks; assumes the responsibilities of the First Vice President in case of vacancy
The First Vice President is the official spokesperson and presides over any official meeting(s) in the absence of the President; is responsible for organizing all training/classes/meetings for the next year's calendar (must be completed by December 1); coordinates with Second Vice President to secure ICC and SFMO CEUs for all training and classes including certificates, sign-in sheets, and associated documents as may be required; assumes the responsibilities of the President in case of vacancy
The Second Vice President is the official spokesperson and presides over any official meeting(s) in the absence of the President and the First Vice President; is responsible to secure ICC and SFMO CEUs for all training and classes (requests for CEUs must be submitted 60 days prior to training/classes) including certificates, sign-in sheets and associated documents as may be required; creates flyers, brochures, etc. for all training and classes; maintains class rosters and communicates with membership concerning events, training, classes, etc.; assumes the responsibilities of the Treasurer in case of vacancy
The Treasurer is responsible for a regular treasury report which shall include income and expenses; pay bills; serves as chair of Budget and Finance Committee; maintain checkbook; make all deposits; be responsible for debt collection; maintain membership list; assumes the responsibilities of Secretary in case of vacancy
The Secretary takes accurate and complete minutes at all meetings; prepares and distributes minutes to all members; corresponds with membership including letters and thank you notes; transports and erects association banner at all meetings